6 Things Your Children Will Be Truly Grateful For

Publish Time: 2018-12-19     Origin: Site

What will your children be grateful for when they look back on their childhood?

Will it be all the toys they had, or the fashionable clothes they wore, or the technology they had access to, or any of the other things that tempt us parents to spend money?

I doubt it.

Instead I believe our children will be grateful for…

1. The undivided and loving attention of their parents,

2. A home that is a haven, safe and secure,

3. Family and friends who take time to listen,

4. Knowing what real food is and where it comes from,

5. Simple holidays with family and friends, and

6.  The space and time to learn through real play.

I know that when I look back on my childhood the things I’m grateful for have nothing to do with money or materialistic possessions.

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