Indoor Playground’s information on Fire Safety

Publish Time: 2018-11-29     Origin: Site

Indoor Playground’s information on Fire Safety

  Nowadays indoor playground is attracted by more and more children and parents. Especially at weekends and holidays, the popularity can be described as overcrowding. However, as a public place , the space is limited, the fire safety requirements of indoor playground must be very strict. Children's park operators should also have enough common sense of fire protection to ensure that children play safely and happily. Parents can rest assured! So, there are some necessary knowledge of fire prevention and fire protection.

 1.       Personnel should do their duty. They should be aware of the potential fire hazards in their jobs, understanding fire prevention measures and know how to fight fires and escape. When there is a fire, the staff should be aware of the alarm and lead the children to evacuate .

 2.       Children's amusement equipment materials are non-toxic, environmentally friendly and non-flammable. When a fire happens accidentally, a large number of toxic fumes produced by combustible materials are the main causes of suffocation death. Therefore, all kinds of materials used in entertainment facilities must be non-flammable, non-flammable or after flame retardant treatment of flammable materials.

 3.       Fire fighting equipment for indoor playground should be adequately equipped. Fully equipped with fire fighting equipment, including fire extinguishers, fire emergency lighting and evacuation indicators.

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