Indoor Trampoline Theme Park!!Exercise is no Longer Boring!!!

Publish Time: 2022-07-29     Origin: Site

Indoor trampoline theme park!!Exercise is no longer boring!!!

The modern trampoline originated in 1934. American gymnast George Nissen used rubber inner tube material to improve the early trampoline prototype composed of canvas and junkyard waste, and developed the world's first patented trampoline equipment. Since then, Nissen has also introduced trampolines into pilot training courses to help pilots develop aerial positioning skills and experience weightlessness.

In 1977, Nissen performing at the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt

In the past 90 years, human beings have never stopped loving trampolines. In 2019, Apple turned the whole world into a trampoline park for jumping and playing. The ad won the 2020/21 Cannes Lions Film Golden Lion in the Consumer Durables category.

Why do humans like to bounce on trampolines?

Research shows that finding happiness in a safe way is a human instinct. Specifically, people are very eager to experience the pleasure that comes after fear. A person may be afraid of jumping, but when it is safe to land, he still can't help but want to jump again.

From the perspective of children's trampoline consumers, in addition to being fun, occupying a small area and having multiple uses, trampolines can also "help children vent their energy", and have strong parent-child amusement attributes.

However, few parents consider trampolines as physical fitness equipment. It is quite exaggerated that Chinese parents are willing to spend Spend from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan to shot "increasing needles" for their children to grow "one centimeter" in order to "not let their children lose at the starting line", but they rarely try through sports equipment. And regular exercise, balanced diet, sleep, etc., are precisely the "magic" that can help children grow taller. It can be said that the consumer impression of trampolines as fitness equipment still needs to be improved.

From the standpoint of fitness trampoline consumers, trampolines are very helpful for people who want to increase aerobic exercise in a home environment. When jumping on a sports trampoline, its "anti-gravity" gameplay is fun enough to make the movement no longer "anti-human". A study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found that women burned an average of 9.4 calories per minute while jumping on a mini-fitness trampoline. When exercising on a trampoline, people's perceived rate of motion (RPE) is lower than it actually is, probably because jumping tends to be fun and easier to do.

Trampolines average 9.4 calories per minute

In addition, the elasticity of the trampoline allows the body to move without the additional pressure of ground reaction forces, which can help people with lower extremity problems such as ankle, knee, hip or low back pain to better participate in the exercise.

As far as the trampoline park sector is concerned, according to statistics, the global trampoline park industry was worth $1.4 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $3.2 billion by 2023.

Trampoline parks that undertake more entertainment and social functions are also actively changing in the post-epidemic era. Trampoline parks across the industry are replacing old ocean ball pits with large airbags, as ocean balls are harder to clean and need to be replaced frequently.

In addition, hosting children's birthday parties can be a major source of income for trampoline park investments. Past experience shows that customized children's activities can account for about 30% of the park's total revenue.

As a well-accepted gymnastics project, trampoline has always been loved by the people. It has certain strength to grab the attention of more children and teenagers in the fierce business environment, and continues to accompany generations of consumers to grow.

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