what we can do better to reopen the indoor playground during the COVID-19

Publish Time: 2020-08-11     Origin: Site

What need to do to reopen the Indoor Playgrounds

This interim guidance is to support owners and operators of indoor playgrounds to reduce the spreadof COVID-19.

 Indoor playground facilities may have different structures, policies and operation of play, and it is the responsibility of owners/operators to ensure infection prevention and control measures are implemented and maintained.

So what can we do for better reopen the indoor playground?

Staff Health Screening and Attendance

* Inform staff about the changes being made to protect them against COVID-19 by posting signage,

updating information on the website or by mail.

*Ensure all staff complete a health screening questionnaire before each shift. The questions can be

completed online, on paper or by asking your staff directly.

*Adjust work hours and shifts to reduce the number of staff in your facility at any one time.

*Have a flexible sick policy so staff do not come to work ill.

*Remind staff about the importance of reporting illness to their supervisor/manager.

*If staff become ill with symptoms of COVID-19 while at work, they should go home right away and


*Staff should report to their Occupational Health and Safety Department prior to returning to work.

*In general, staff can return to work 14 days after their symptoms began if they had COVID-19.

*There are no clearance tests required for staff to return to work.

*For other illnesses, or if a staff has tested negative for COVID-19, they should not attend work until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

Staff Training

*Staff should receive clear instructions on the new mask policy, and understand who is exempted

from wearing a mask. Proof of exemption by customers is not required.

*Masks should not be placed on children under two years of age.

*Educate staff on the proper use of masks/face coverings. They should change masks when moist or dirty, but in areas away from customers (e.g. lunch room, private office).

*More information on use of non-medical masks or face coverings can be found here.

*Additional resources for staff training is available from Public Health Ontario.

*Discourage staff from gathering together in the lunchroom or common areas.

*Educate staff on hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette:

1,Wash hands frequently with liquid soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer (70-90% alcohol concentration) if water and soap is not available.

2,Cover cough or sneeze with the elbow or a tissue. Immediately throw the tissue in the garbage and wash hands.

Limit Admission

*Limit entrances to control the number of customers entering the facility at any given time.

*Set a capacity limit for the number of customers (children and their parents/guardian) allowed in the premises at any given time.

*The capacity limit should be based on available floor space, to ensure ease of movement while maintaining two metres (six feet) of distance from others. Consider one person for every two metres square (four squared metres) of floor space.

*Post signage at the entrance stating of the maximum number of customers permitted at any one time.

*Set limits on the number of customers permitted in each play area at any given time. Post signs by the entrance to each play area, and at attractions, party rooms, and washrooms.

*Consider measures to prevent crowding, such as:

1,Creating a reservation system with pre-assigned times of use.

2,Implementing time limits (e.g. during peak use periods).

COVID-19 Screening

*All customers and visitors should complete a self-screening questionnaire (for adults or children)before entering the facility.

*Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 or has been in contact with a person with COVID-19 should not be allowed in.

*Make alcohol-based hand sanitizer (70-90% alcohol concentration) available for use by the entrance.

Physical Distancing

*Use visual markers, stickers or pylons to encourage physical distancing while waiting outside.

*Post physical distancing signs at all entrances, by cashiers or service counters.

*Place markers or circles so customers know where to stand when waiting or interacting with staff.

*Where possible, arrange play equipment to create walkways to allow for physical distancing.

*Install plexiglass/barriers if possible, where there will be close contact between staff and customers, between play areas/attractions, and at the checkout.

*Move seating, at least two metres/six feet apart or tape off alternate fixed seating.

*Mark the floor with tape, where seats should be placed so it can be repositioned, if moved.

*Remind children to avoid direct contact and keep their distance as best as possible from people outside of their household or social circle when using the indoor playground.

*Discourage staff and customers from congregating in all areas of the playground.

Play Areas and Attractions

*Ensure toy materials and equipment to be used can be cleaned and disinfected between uses. 

*Rope off play areas or attractions, where high-touch equipment, attractions or toys cannot be frequently cleaned and disinfected (e.g. ball/foam pits). 

*Use visual markers or tape on the floor to encourage physical distancing while waiting at each play area or attraction. 

*Monitor each play area/attraction to ensure the posted capacity limits are being followed. 

*Stagger the flow of people entering and exiting each play area or attraction to prevent crowding. 

*Use floor markings, barriers and signs to create one-directional walkways where appropriate (e.g. entrances, play structures, washrooms). 

*Consider marking spaces for people in the same household or social circle.

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