How To Avoid Losses in Indoor Kids Playground-1?
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How To Avoid Losses in Indoor Kids Playground-1?

Views: 0     Author: Melissa     Publish Time: 2024-07-25      Origin: Site


In recent years, the children's market has ushered in a new wave of investment in children's parks. Many investors have joined in after seeing the hot market prospects of children's parks. However, some have made money successfully, while others have failed. Why do some people make money while others lose money when opening children's parks? What are the reasons for the failure of some people to open children's parks? The following 6 lessons learned are hoped to help investors avoid losses.

How To Avoid Losses in Indoor Kids Playground-1

1. Not paying attention to the early market research and site selection

When opening a children's park, you must pay attention to the early market research and choose a good location. If these two points are done well, opening a children's park is halfway to success.

Why is the early market research so important? It may determine how large an area of children's park you open, whether the location is suitable, which equipment to choose, the later business strategy and price positioning, etc. What aspects are mainly investigated in the early market research of children's parks? Market environment survey, passenger flow density survey, consumption level survey, consumption willingness survey, competitor survey, etc. The more accurate and effective this market survey is, the more beneficial it will be for your later operations.

When opening a store and doing business, site selection is the key. For children's park operators, a good site selection not only determines the profitability of your park in the later stage, but also will be the key to determining whether your park will succeed or fail. Site selection should not only focus on regional traffic and convenient transportation, but also on the number of target customer groups. If the expected daily consumption of the park is not met, the park will not make ends meet. If this continues for a long time, the park will naturally lose money and close down.

Therefore, if you want to successfully operate a children's park and avoid losses, the most important thing is to choose a good location and conduct detailed market research.

How To Avoid Losses in Indoor Kids Playground-1

2. Serious homogeneity of amusement equipment

The children's park industry is a sunrise industry. Investors who value market prospects want to invest in a children's park and start their own business.

However, many investors blindly choose amusement equipment due to lack of market research and understanding before selecting equipment, resulting in serious homogeneity of the amusement equipment they purchase, lack of novelty and characteristics, and such a park will inevitably lead to a lack of market competitiveness. It is recommended that investors must do a good job of preliminary market research and field investigation, find a strong manufacturer, and design and plan a children's park plan for you according to your investigation and needs.

How To Avoid Losses in Indoor Kids Playground-1

3. Failure to do a good job in the promotion and marketing of children's parks

When operating an indoor children's park, popularity is the most important thing. With popularity, revenue will naturally increase. How to increase the popularity of the venue? We need to use our publicity and marketing to make the park's brand famous and accumulate more popularity for the opening and later period.

If the publicity is not in place and the publicity is not strong enough, many parks will be ignored by the target customer groups and no one will care about them. Since the opening of the park, the popularity of the park has gradually declined, and the park's business was bleak and ended in failure.

How should the children's park be promoted and marketed? You can start from daily activities (such as organizing children to play some interactive games or teaching children simple songs and dances), work hard on signs and doorheads, distribute flyers to surrounding communities in the early stage of opening, increase publicity and discounts on holidays, and promote your park through various self-media channels.

The above are three very important factors on how to avoid losses in indoor children's parks.

Of course, there are other factors, let's talk about them next time

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 Ms. Katie Zhang
 Yangwan Industrial Area,Qiaoxia Town,Yongjia County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)


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